The Unsung Hero of Oral Hygiene: The Importance of Dental Flossing

When it comes to oral hygiene, brushing your teeth often takes center stage. We diligently follow the advice of dentists and experts, ensuring that we brush our teeth at least twice a day. While brushing is undoubtedly crucial, there’s another unsung hero in the battle for a healthy smile – dental flossing. Dental flossing is a practice that often gets …

OUCH! What is causing this toothache?

Teeth can be sensitive for many different reasons.  The first question to ask is, what is causing my tooth sensitivity? There are three main types of sensitivity: cold sensitivity, biting sensitivity, and spontaneous pain. Cold Sensitivity Recession-  the most common reason teeth are sensitive to the cold.  Teeth are covered by a protective layer of enamel, but the root of …

What is the best way to whiten my teeth?

What is the best way to whiten my teeth?  A question we hear all the time.  Let’s talk about our three options:  in office whitening, take home custom bleach trays, and over the counter options from the drug store.   Bleaching is accomplished by using an oxidizing agent like hydrogen peroxide to break up stains in the enamel of the teeth.  …